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Training Topics


CR Communication Strategies can help you with:
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Presentation Skills

Public Speaking

Do you ever wonder how you can bring more energy to your presentations? Whether you’re an experienced or novice speaker, you can get more impact from your delivery and enhance your overall presentation presence. Workshop includes video analysis. 

 More general than presentation skills, this training covers content, organization, and delivery style development, but adds practice with a full range of common speech types. Includes practice and video analysis.

Time Management

There's a difference between busyness and productivity and this seminar explores how we view work and time.

Technical Writing

Can you take complex content and simplify it for a variety of audiences? This seminar will teach you to write audience-centered and clear technical messages, focusing on the writing process for industry-specific content.



Business Writing

Business Etiquette

Understand the major types of business messages (routine, negative, and persuasive). Technology has changed the communication landscape, but audience-centered, action-oriented messages never go out of style.

Imagine that your company is hosting a charity cocktail event, or you've been invited to play golf with clients, or you're representing your company at a formal banquet dinner. Would you know how to navigate these business situations without making an etiquette faux pas?

Nonverbal Communication


An often underrated but important aspect of  interpersonal communication is nonverbal communication. Learn how it functions so that you can communicate in a complete and powerful way. Includes interpersonal communication and business etiquette aspets.

Resume Review/ Interview Prep

Ensure that your resume sells you the way you want it to. Need some practice before the big day? Reduce your anxiety with a trial run.

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